I will donate 25 American dollars. I do so in support of your programs especially “The Unbelievable Truth”. I also do it to request STRONGLY that you do not “put out” or “air” possibly “run ” another “19 Nocturne ” program. It was a horrid, terribly bad effort at sophomoric drama. Please! In the name of all that’s Holy do not air that 19 Nocturne shite!!
The Alexa skill doesn’t work. It can’t be installed.
Hi Ken, I am working on a new version and waiting for Alexa to certify it. Hopefully it will be up and running in the next few says. In the meantime you can ask Alexa to open a Pumpkin FM station on tunein. Just say e.g. ‘Alexa’… ‘Open Britcom Two on Tunein’
Hi Ken. This has nothing to do with the EU at all. Tunein were taken to court by the UK music rights organisation PRS, targeting music stations that had UK listeners but were not paying licence fees to PRS in the UK. Tunein decided to be cautious and deleted all UK stations from it’s directory, even though many were talk only station like our own. Those station are now being slowly reinstated. BritCom 1 & 2 are back online with Tunein. Hope the others will follow shortly.
There is something wrong with the app. The venture radio selection is playing the strange radio channel. The strange radio selection is playing the same thing. I just uninstalled my old copy of the app and installed the updated one, but nothing has changed. I miss the westerns. Please put this on your “to fix” list. Thanks.
Update: Dear Deborah, this issue has now been fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience
Hi Liam, the Pumpkin FM app is currently not live on Play Store as we are required to update certain elements of the code to comply with Google’s ever changing policies. I will let you know when its back…
Sadly, the Android App is still missing from the Play Store – or at least I can’t find it. Is there any chance it will be back soon? Are there alternative apps that also include Pumpkin FM’s channels?
Hi Pumpkin FM,
since upgrading my Android phone and tablet the app does not display correctly although I am able to change between streams by remembering where the ‘buttons’ are. I thought that re-installing would iron out the problem but I have not been able to find your app in the store.
any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry I did not get back to you earlier. Unfortunately the app is not available at the moment as Google Play have removed it as it did not comply with their latest policy release. This happens quite a lot and is a nightmare. I will be building a new app soon and will update you when available. In the meantime I would recommend using the MyTuner app, its available in the Google Play Store. link: MYTUNER GOOGLE PLAY STORE
I will donate 25 American dollars. I do so in support of your programs especially “The Unbelievable Truth”. I also do it to request STRONGLY that you do not “put out” or “air” possibly “run ” another “19 Nocturne ” program. It was a horrid, terribly bad effort at sophomoric drama. Please! In the name of all that’s Holy do not air that 19 Nocturne shite!!
The Alexa skill doesn’t work. It can’t be installed.
Hi Ken, I am working on a new version and waiting for Alexa to certify it. Hopefully it will be up and running in the next few says. In the meantime you can ask Alexa to open a Pumpkin FM station on tunein. Just say e.g. ‘Alexa’… ‘Open Britcom Two on Tunein’
TuneIn has removed all Pumpkin FM casts. Some EU legal rubbish. I use to use TuneIn to stream to my Google Nest. Now that is gone, too.
Hi Ken. This has nothing to do with the EU at all. Tunein were taken to court by the UK music rights organisation PRS, targeting music stations that had UK listeners but were not paying licence fees to PRS in the UK. Tunein decided to be cautious and deleted all UK stations from it’s directory, even though many were talk only station like our own. Those station are now being slowly reinstated. BritCom 1 & 2 are back online with Tunein. Hope the others will follow shortly.
There is something wrong with the app. The venture radio selection is playing the strange radio channel. The strange radio selection is playing the same thing. I just uninstalled my old copy of the app and installed the updated one, but nothing has changed. I miss the westerns. Please put this on your “to fix” list. Thanks.
Update: Dear Deborah, this issue has now been fixed. Sorry for any inconvenience
Any chance you could add The Navy Lark to your schedule in the near future…
Thanks and keep up the good work
Hi Liam, the Navy Lark is available on BritCom 1 most days. Please check the schedules at BritCom 1 Schedules
Link seems to be broken… connect to Google play, but just gets an error message.
What is the actual name for the app
Hi Liam, the Pumpkin FM app is currently not live on Play Store as we are required to update certain elements of the code to comply with Google’s ever changing policies. I will let you know when its back…
Sadly, the Android App is still missing from the Play Store – or at least I can’t find it. Is there any chance it will be back soon? Are there alternative apps that also include Pumpkin FM’s channels?
Hi Steve
I will be building a new app soon. In the meantime I recommend the MyTuner app. Click here
Hi Pumpkin FM,
since upgrading my Android phone and tablet the app does not display correctly although I am able to change between streams by remembering where the ‘buttons’ are. I thought that re-installing would iron out the problem but I have not been able to find your app in the store.
any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Paul
Sorry I did not get back to you earlier. Unfortunately the app is not available at the moment as Google Play have removed it as it did not comply with their latest policy release. This happens quite a lot and is a nightmare. I will be building a new app soon and will update you when available. In the meantime I would recommend using the MyTuner app, its available in the Google Play Store. link: MYTUNER GOOGLE PLAY STORE