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On the Buses  - The Anniversary (1971)
320 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Internationally-acclaimed comedy starring Reg Varney as bus driver Stan Butler. Life at home has its problems for Stan, but so does work at the bus depot.

⁣As a tenth anniversary present Aunt Maud sends Olive and Arthur a dog, which Olive names Scruffy,but he eats Arthur's food and gives him a sneezing allergy,so Olive takes him back to Aunt Maud by bus. The dog goes for Blakey,tearing his trousers, and he fines Olive a fiver,but Jack anticipates that if they have a whip-round at the depot everyone will want to support the dog that bit the inspector.

Series 4, Episode 817th January 1971Originally filmed in black and white due to the ITV colour strike

The Boys From Brazil  (1978)
26 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Dr. Josef Mengele (Gregory Peck) clones Hitler 95 times, and hopes to raise the resulting boys in Brazil, giving them childhoods identical to Hitler's.

A Stitch in Time (1963)
29 Views · 2 years ago

A bumbling butcher's boy takes a shine to a recently orphaned girl while visiting his boss in hospital. He vows to return to see her again - only to be banned by the hospital administrator who sees him as a troublemaker.

Not to be deterred, however, the hapless youth dreams up a number of devious schemes to regain entry.